Very cool and cute but it doesn't work well and easy to break because of the price. My kitty loves it but on day one he tossed it up too many times and his ears fell off so he can't roll over (although I've never seen him roll over). Another issue is that the button you use to turn it on turns off too easily during gameplay. On top of that, it doesn't work as advertised after the first few hours - you have to keep pressing the button to turn it on because it won't restart when the cat paws it. I looked at it and reviews for a long time before buying it, because it's quite an expensive toy if it doesn't work. For those who think about it - categorically do not buy if you only have carpeting. This little creature can't move on carpet with its weird little feet, so it just sits there with its engine running. However, I decided to give 3 stars because she's still playing with it. The funny thing is, she can run under the pantry door without her ears, and it almost seems like she's going there automatically. On/off switch, and make legs that walk on carpet, I'd buy another one.