Let me introduce you to one of the old seed-funding organizations in Silicon Valley. It is an investment company that offers both consulting and financial services to start-up companies. This company is called the Band of Angels, founded in 1994 by Dan Forootan and Marcus Yang.
Headquarters are located in the San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley and West Coast. In theory, this is a formal group of more than 150 high-tech executives. These executives invest in new and innovative startups. Nowdays, they have already created more than 250 companies, and more than 50 profitable transactions have been made. In 2020, Band of Angels invested in 17 startups. At the same time, I would like to note that for during all these years this organization has made 116 investments and 21 diversity investments. So how we are able to see it is a great indicator for this organization.
The Band of Angels has 25 exits including some known as Life360, Practice Fusion and ShotSpotter. The Band of Angels also includes 29 current employee profiles, including Neil Mendelson and also we are able to notice that it has 19 board members and advisors. Regarding their site, I can add that the company actively uses 19 technologies, this includes Viewport, Meta, SPF and IPhone / Mobile Compatible. Band of Angels mainly focuses on industries such as finance, financial services and venture capital. This company is based on Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture and Seed. The main goal of the investment company is to provide as many opportunities as possible to all companies that promote Band.
Thus, focusing your attention, Band of Angels is trying to invest in all categories of seed technology and life science transactions.
They invest in digital media and entertainment, agricultural technology, energy, hardware, software, medical technology and others. In theory, pay attention to the fact that the Band of Angels investment is the first organized money in a company, for example, in the form of a SEED series. Just imagine that the Band of Angels has created over 10,000 jobs. Regarding portfolio companies, I would like to add that 16 of them went public and 82 were acquired. On their website you can find a lot of useful information both about them and about their portfolio, news, and in addition to all this, you are able to contact them and find out information about the issues that interest you.