Do yourself a favor and buy this set. DO NOT try to save $20 and buy an imported set. Import kits are damn bad. I know I have an import set and I've seen other import sets. This Teko set is made in the USA except for the stand, the stand gets bad reviews but I don't know why, it's really good plastic and well made. The difference between this set and the $200 Teco set isn't in the blocks, as many uninformed people often say, the blocks are the same, the difference is in the lugs. 1541 vs. 4340 in chrome molybdenum and flat surfaces also machined to 4340. Aside from that and the metal post, everything is the same. Same belts, same blocks, same nuts, same nuts, different cleats and rails. But you're not going to break these bolts, you're going to ruin the table mount before you break these bolts 1541. By the way, the same stuff is in my jeep's rear axle shafts. This set is superior to any imported set and the price is only 20-30 dollars higher. You will be proud of them and glad you bought them. If you go importing to save a buck, you'll hide them and be ashamed of them. The imported ones look nasty and not as nasty as Mrs. Jackson. I have an import kit I bought for my mini grinder about 15 years ago and it's gross. When I bought a bigger kit for my bridgeport I bought this Teco kit and I'm so happy with it, these things are good. Very well made and comfortable to use. Some imported stuff is ok but not the clamp set, they suck.