1) Good platform to share files, images, and links on different topics. 2) Easy to navigate and navigate quickly. 3) Good support for multiple browsers. 1) Needs to provide an option to save the links to a file. In other words, I need to take a video of the link and open the link through exploregate. Currently, there is no option to copy the link and go back to exploregate to open the link. Exploregate needs to provide this option so that the links can be saved without creating video copies. It's a good platform to share the resources with others. It's a good platform for the company as it allows the sharing of files, images, links. A good platform for a company of any size. The platform is easy to use, which makes it very user-friendly; however, there are some minor issues that need to be addressed in order to make it better. I would recommend exploring this product as it has helped me enhance my teaching skills & knowledge by using online courses. It's been an amazing experience so far! I have used this tool since its inception and found it very useful.