Decided to buy mainly because of the small L square size but found a good deal on all three sizes given the price. When they arrived they looked pretty sturdy and well made. Within 10 minutes the plastic end caps fell off two of the three L profiles. As I was working with the small square, the middle square fell off my rotating work stand (27 inches high) and hit the concrete floor. One of two pins (it also has a screw) that attaches the blade to the "handle". Another problem with these squares is that they have a metric scale on the outside edge of the blade and an inch scale on the bottom edge of the blade. Because of this, the inch scale is a bit awkward to use. It should be the other way around for the US, as I said, they look sturdy and well made, but they aren't. Of course, they have a low price, but it is better to avoid this product and look for a better quality square.