The price of this bag is not as cheap as it seems. It is very thin, poorly made and looks like a bag from the discount store. The vagabond style might work well here if this look was for something you find in a trash can at a homeless shelter. Although the bag looks great from the start, given the quality of the material and overall construction, don't expect it to last. PU leather is tough enough to withstand rubbing with isopropyl alcohol, but that's where its durability ends. I've had bags made out of this very material that started to peel off within a few months. The silver hardware shown in the product photos is what drew me to this wallet. This is not silver but gold fittings and the photos of the goods are Photoshop. The material is so thin that the handbag deforms into the shape of keys, pill bottles or a mobile phone. I do not recommend this bag. The bag isn't terrible, but it certainly isn't good.
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