An awesome beginner model that is also rather tiny. Extremely useful for those just starting out, and it has a considerable amount of autonomy - more than the top Mavic2 Pro/Zoom model. The camera is outstanding, easily outperforming comparable offerings from Hasban and Xiaomi at the same price point. One of the drawbacks is that you tend to forget that, in contrast to the older models, there are no sensors. Because of this, the risk of colliding with anything on the road while traveling at high speeds is significantly increased. The range is also not very good; while the zoom can go 4 kilometers and the air can travel approximately 1.5 kilometers (when operating in ffc mode), this one can only travel 600–700 meters before it begins to lose signal. Without a shadow of a doubt, this distance is sufficient to shoot practically whatever you desire; in an open field, you should be able to take roughly one kilometer. Yet, because of the prevalence of hotels that offer wifi, I was able to access the internet even when I was more than 100 meters away. Affects the strength of the signal on the WiFi. The ordinary case is quite big, and because it doesn't offer any disadvantages, including it in the set is a good idea. I bring along a cheap Xiaomi bag measuring 7 inches. The ability to charge from a standard USB port is a huge advantage; as a result, there is no longer a requirement to bring along an adapter for use in a vehicle; instead, you may charge the device using the radio, albeit at a slower rate. When it comes to modes, the most annoying aspect is that there isn't an active track and panoramas aren't included. Even though panoramas since air were a refreshing aspect and left very good recollections of the location you visited, this is not sufficient on its own. In addition to this, it is unclear how the active track works; nonetheless, I believe the limits are only present in the sensors. You show the weight, you press that it is less than 250 and in general "it's a toy" - all you need to do is stick a sticker:) The police officers, it would appear, are not particularly knowledgeable about the rules. A couple of times, they were let off with only a minor infraction: you show the weight, you press that it is less than 250. , outside of restricted areas, there is no requirement for permits or registrations to carry out this activity. Because it is physically impossible to shoot a video, there must always be one legitimate reason, and that justification is reviewing the telemetry. In the end, you should get a quad if you wish to begin with one and do not regret your purchase of it. Simple to use, and the image quality is excellent.