I like how simple it is for me to use port operate as well as others in my team. It's very straight forward and quick to learn! Nothing at all really. We just got started using PortOperate and haven't ran into any issues yet. Give them a try if you are looking for a tool that can help your business grow without being complicated or difficult to implement. My organization has implemented port operate for several reasons. 1) They have helped keep my staff members secure while working from home by making sure they don't share personal information such as their email addresses etc. 2) Keeping track of who sees what information 3) Storing sensitive data securely. I like that it's easy to use and helps you set up the rules for your users. It also lets you see what is being blocked by other devices in your network. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand how to fix issues. If you have any technical experience this will not be an issue but if you don't understand how things work then you may find yourself asking questions or having problems. We are using it to help manage our employees' internet usage.