Pretty good value for money. I like how it can be folded up and put out of the way. However, assembly was not easy. It took me thirty minutes and I had to keep looking at the instructions to see where this or that part went. The instructions are terrible but at least there was an exploded view of the stand showing which parts connected to what. I had to guess what screws and where to use them because the instructions are so awful. Once it was assembled I mounted my Thrustmaster T300rs, TH8A derailleur and T3PA pedals on top and started racing. I'll tell you right now, when something as heavy as the T300rs is sitting on top, you need to lock the side stand as far back as possible, and even then the front feels heavy. I think without the pedals to counterbalance it could actually tip forward and fall off. Aside from the instructions and the feeling that it might tip over, this is good value for the money. I've dressed everything up really well so there's really no wobbly feeling and everything looks nice and tight. If you are looking for a stand on a budget this is definitely a good choice for the price. The switch carrier can be freely installed on the left or right side for anyone who needs to move it.
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