Package Contents - 5/5 I was pleased to find 3 screen protectors in the package. It also included everything I needed to clean the switch screen and put on a protective film. Installation Instructions - 2/5. The installation guide that came with it was pretty easy. However, due to the tricky nature of installing screen protectors in general, I wanted to check as much as possible, so I was glad to see a link in the how-to video. However when I followed the link there was no video for this product. They had instructions with screenshots and the instructions on the website did NOT match the instructions that came with the product. This left me a little confused as to which instructions to follow. The online guide also accidentally used the same screenshot for two different steps. After reading both guides I found that the instructions that came with it were more accurate and followed them. Installation - 4/5 Dust is the enemy. I was able to just put the protector on but ended up with a small blister. It's more my business than anything else. I don't notice the bubble when the device is on, so I think the install went "good enough". Since there were 3 protectors in the package I was tempted to rip it off and try again. However, I wasn't sure I could be more successful in getting rid of all the dust based on my current location. Maybe I'll try again when I'm in a dustier environment. Fit - 5/5 What can I say, it fits perfectly. Stains/Fingerprints - 4/5 Cleans just as easily as the screen before. Fingerprints will still stain the protector, but no worse than without. In fact, it seems to "resist" fingerprints a little better, if only a little. Overall - 4/5. It's hard to give an overall score without testing it over time and knowing how it will perform. in the fallout scenario. The instructions that came with it were good, but the link to the online instructions didn't include the promised video and even contradicted the instructions that came with it. It was the worst result, but admittedly not great. After going through the installation process and judging by its looks, this is a good product to protect your screen on Nintendo Switch.