For a college student and someone who barely remembers sewing after a 4 week mandatory high school speed/introductory sewing class, this is perfect. Basically, I needed it to bring back buttons on coats and dress shirts. It comes with a good selection of colored threads, enough to pull together everything I could hopefully need. The scissors are a bit small but fit well enough that my fingers aren't a problem and if I'm doing this at home I have other scissors if needed anyway. Nice for traveling as everything you need is included, even a seam ripper, thimble and safety pin. Definitely better than trying handing my stuff over to my mom when she's home for a few days, and probably better off resting than sewing on buttons again before hitting the streets. I'm probably not qualified to do anything more than buttons but if I push it I think this kit and a few youtube videos and I can do pretty much any quick/workaround that's needed. button on my pea coat. I had everything I needed to do the (poor and inexperienced) job I was doing. I think this kit and a few youtube videos and I can do pretty much any quick/emergency fix that is needed. button on my pea coat. I had everything I needed to do the (poor and inexperienced) job I was doing. I think, this kit and a few youtube videos and I can do pretty much any quick/emergency fix that is needed. button on my pea coat. I had everything I needed to do the (poor and inexperienced) job I was doing.
🧵 Singer Studio 21S Sewing Machine, White/Pink - Enhanced for SEO
11 Review
Набор для шитья, набор для рукоделия с швейными принадлежностями - портативный мини-набор для начинающих, путешественников и аварийных починок одежды с черным чехлом премиум-класса (черный)
4 Review
Дорожные ножницы Dritz, булавки, рулетка, иглы, нитевдеватель, набор для шитья ниток и пуговиц, многоцветный
13 Review
Набор для вышивания крестом с черностопным набором Тобина Ноев ковчег: 34x43 дюйма - создайте потрясающее произведение искусства!
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Набор для украшения пасхальных яиц: 5 термоусадочных рукавов с цветами и иконками на 35 яиц
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Инструмент для рукоделия Quickstik от We R Memory Keepers.
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🌈 Набор для одношаговой окраски Tulip One-Step Tie-Dye Kits Радуга - 5 цветов, 1.62 унции.
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Anezus 6800 шт. Набор стразов: сверкающие аксессуары для бесчисленных проектов рукоделия
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