The best thing I like about this printing is that there are all types of options available when it comes down to choosing what product you want printed! There's really nothing bad at first glance; however sometimes some products have more complex designs than others so be sure your sending them over correctly before hand if unsure how much detail needs go into each item being sent out through primoPrinting (like my school logo). Sometimes things get lost during shipping or arrive broken/damaged because we didn't know exactly which box should contain specific items - but usually once those details got sorted everything worked perfectly fine after getting shipped back offsite from FedEx directly afterwards :) We've used their services quite often as well since starting up last year &it has been extremely helpful every step along way helping us figure anything related businessy problems etc.. It has been very easy to set up and get the most out of the product. I have not found anything that I dislike about this software as of yet. The only thing is that it can be difficult to find the right size paper when you first start using the software. If you are looking for something that will allow you to organize your business documents, then Primoprint is a great choice! We are able to easily store all of our business documents and keep them organized.