You get what you pay for, in this case you get more than what you pay for. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the $20 belt. I needed one for the weekend and was expecting a two day delivery from Revain. This belt is definitely not the best leather or tool quality you will find, but for the money you can't beat it. If you have trouble with sizing literally tape around your waist and use this measurement, why complicate the sizing of pants that vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Personally, I'd like everyone to use real measurements, not those made-up sizes where one brand is 32 and another is 36, or even women's sizes (which don't make any sense!), but that's talk for another day. If you are looking for an inexpensive belt for your kilt, this is definitely the way to go. I'll say I took off a star because it says "real skin" but it doesn't say which. Sorry, but leather can be used for a cow, bull, deer, goat, llama or whatever! It's more than likely cowhide, but there's always a chance this manufacturer has a lot on coyote skin.