It's so tedious to put together, the metal rods that hold the wheels, seat and handlebars in front are very short together and very difficult to fit into the holes so that they converged from one end of the toy to the other. The red button latch to hold these bars in place doesn't fit, we banged and pounded to put it all together and when the kid got on it to ride it fell apart, the front red part of the handle just cracked right off the toy and the child fell forward on his head. The red screws holding the yellow seat together are too thin and won't fit in the holes holding the seat in place. They're about to fall out. The child can pick it up and choke. If I hadn't thrown the box away I would have sent it back for a refund. It was a Christmas present. It's really bad and dangerous because it falls apart and the child falls forward, very dangerous. AMAZON, please stop selling this.
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