I took new tires, according to the noise, many write that it’s noisy, don’t believe it, the quietest rubber that I drove (before that, kumho, michelin, conti, pirelli, toyo, dunlop and breeches). I took it for a crossover weighing 2 tons, they hold the road perfectly, there is no noise, from the word at all, after this rubber I bought GoodYear F1, and so, only then the idea came to me to make soundproofing of the arches, and the car became completely different, I didn’t think that rubber changes the car so much (after nitto on goodyear, the car became just oak and very noisy). The only disadvantages of rubber will be that it probably wore out very quickly, about 2.5 seasons was enough (according to the mileage on this particular rubber, it’s somewhere around 30 -35 thousand).
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