I'll start with BE CAREFUL DURING OPENING. This is something you should know BEFORE OPENING. This little ball tent (whatever you want to call it) comes in a very small zipped vinyl bag. Well, here "handle with care", or I like to say, is quite important. 1/4 of the way after unzipping THE THING FLIES UP OUT OF THE BAG, APPEARS. ABSOLUTELY NO WARNING! I ended up with a black eye. NO JOKE! As if the thing were sprung! Aside from one dangerous discovery, I think it worked. it's not durable at all, so if your kid is at the stage where they're using things to stab themselves. DO NOT INTRODUCE THEM INTO THIS. especially without supervision even for a second! Also, the item will NOT fit back into a potentially dangerous holdall. or at least I don't see a way to do it unless you break one of the plastic rods to bend it a little enough. unreal!