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Review on Fisher Price Walk Bounce Ride Pony by Matt Jenkins

Revainrating 4 out of 5

My grandson loves it but the music and sounds can drive you crazy!

I bought this for my 1 year old grandson and he just loves it. He used to have a walker, but now he hardly ever touches her. The construction is solid, darn cute and he loves to spin the wheel on his pony. However, there are several disadvantages. First, hard plastic wheels don't slide well, especially on hardwood floors. My son had to put a rubber band around the wheels to give them more grip. This helped solve the problem, but the design itself on that front leaves a lot to be desired. They also cling a bit to the plastic stems that hold the wheels in place. Second, it's music. When you press the buttons, the songs are switched immediately. This means toddlers can press the buttons over and over again to stop the music already playing and start a new song. This doesn't seem like a good idea from a development point of view and can drive parents crazy! Be prepared for these tunes to get stuck in your head, especially if your child likes to push buttons. Because they glow, your child will likely enjoy hitting them over and over again. Plus, it's a great little toy for toddlers to practice walking with!

  • High marks for support and durability from testers
  • Some little things