The software makes it so easy - from sending eRequest forms over email or posting them online! You never have an excuse for not being aware if something has been left out because you are always updated as soon at possible after submitting requests through this very programmate site! Also they offer excellent support in both english & france via chatbox all day long which we find helpful when having any technical problems (no need ever wait too lonnng!). We like best how easily everything gets communicated throughout our whole organisation without wasting time/ effort going back again ans forth between different parties involved each week / month etc., The product's ease of use and the fact it is designed to integrate with other IWS6 products. Having a single console to manage all of your waste streams is a very helpful feature. The customer support is very responsive and helpful. I have not found any issues with the product. Great product for the price. I am solving the problem of having to manage multiple waste streams with one interface. I have been able to reduce my time spent on the phone and paperwork with my customers.