I was hoping it would be a set-it-and-forget timer, but when I got it down to sundown for our Christmas Sunrise put lights, he never turns them on. It plugs into a recessed spot on the porch where the dusk function should activate a little earlier than dusk, if at all. I've also tried turning it on after dark and then setting it to one of the preset times, but woke up to find the light came on well past the preset times (we've tried them all). It's gotten to the point where we just use the remote to turn the light on and off manually. The problem is that due to our family's unconventional schedule, the lights stay on way longer than we'd like, so it won't work for us. I gave the remote 3 stars because it worked well with the lights off and on through the brick walls of our home. I return this and was planning to buy their wi-fi model hoping it would be a better fit for our family but although my featured items preview it shows a decent price when I went to the product page it shows it double the price. .
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