I don't like carrying bags over my shoulder because I prefer to evenly distribute the weight of my clothes over my shoulders. Even when I'm not at home I like having my hands free for taking photos etc. I used to have a nice little leather backpack but there were no zippers anywhere and I was always afraid of things falling out or being stolen. I've been looking for a new one for a long time until I found this one and it's perfect. It has LOTS of inside and outside pockets with zippers and also closes very securely with buckles. I like the color of the skin (yes, it smells a bit for a while, but that's what I expect from the skin). It's undoubtedly getting softer as post-pandemic life normalizes, and I get to use it more! Another nice thing is its nice slim profile. I've had so many bulging backpacks that seem rude to carry on a crowded bus, for example. But this one hardly stands out behind me - and yet he is deceptive, because there is still a lot to do. I hate writing reviews but this one is well deserved!
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Ultra-Durable Transparent School Backpack - Oil Blue Color
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Anti-Theft Daypack For 15" Laptop - Pacsafe Venturesafe G3 15L In Lakeside Blue
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HotStyle 936Plus Classics: A Spacious And Stylish Medium-Sized Backpack With 16 Litres Capacity
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Versatile Canvas Sling Bag - Perfect Crossbody Backpack & Shoulder Rucksack For Men And Women
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👜 The Friendly Swede VRETA Fanny Pack: Fashionable Belt Bag for Women and Men - Pink
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Medium-Sized HotStyle 936Plus Classics Backpack With 16L Capacity For Improved SEO
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