this bit is very big for a small milling table. It must be used carefully. The slabs must be supported on all sides in order to obtain an even and smooth surface. I found that Yellow Pine required three consecutive passes. The rest of the wood had a number of imperfections. It was necessary to use two springboards on the material, one on each side of the cutter, to hold the material against the cutter stop. I used a tall spring board to push the material down to the table surface and onto the top of the material. I had to do this on both sides of the cutter to press the material tightly against the fence. I also had to press the board firmly against the top of the material to keep it from vibrating and bouncing off the cutter. After all that, I was able to slowly push the boards through and get a pretty good finish. Many circuit boards still had imperfections that either had to be removed or left as visible defects. Not a professional job but it worked and saved me some money.