I got tired of carrying all my stuff in one big bag and then bigger bag that would then fall out of my hand when I was carrying extra bags or trying to close them when getting out of the car transport child with my sports equipment to events. I decided the handbag backpack style was what I needed. I bought this particular handbag backpack expecting for the price I would see if it would fit me. I have to say I am very surprised at the quality of this item. No one will ever confuse this with anything other than a genuine leather wallet, although it is not. I bought a black backpack with brown trim knowing the lighter color gets dirty more easily. I love that the large opening with small pockets is close to the back so no one can take my personal stuff when I wear it as a backpack. On the front there are three separate pockets for various items. There is a very nice long strap that can be fastened. I took a picture of it for you as it is a very beautiful design. The strap can be used when I don't want to wear it as a backpack. I find that the design of this backpack bag has been thought through to the smallest detail to meet the needs of women. It's perfect for storing things when travelling, carrying essentials like a cosmetic bag, cell phone or laptop, storing baby snacks or just going out for lunch or dinner. I highly recommend this backpack wallet and I am very happy to transfer the contents of my wallet to it and use it in my daily life.
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