I'm a little fan of leather wallets, especially when they're handmade. I cherish my three bags from Florence and Rome, which are unique and handmade in Italy, but I don't expect mass-selling handbags to live up to that high standard. However, I was interested in testing it when it was suggested to me. I expected to be disappointed considering the price is so low. However, I like to buy wallets from Cuyana and Everlane, companies that cut out the middleman, so the wallets are about half the price as without the middleman. I assumed Kooba would cut corners and the leather would be of poor quality. Boy was I wrong! This is quite an attractive bag. First, the grain of shagreen leather is impressive. Rather than looking harsh and artificial, it appears to have a fine pedigree of leather and workmanship. It's matte black on the outside, while the interior trim feels soft to the touch and looks well-made. It is roomy, with a deep zip pocket and two pockets on the opposite side, like for a mobile phone. The zippers are strong and well made, and the stitching shows great attention to detail. It looks like a designer wallet (not made in China like many mid-range designer wallets. This wallet is handmade in India and as soon as you get your hands on it, it's obvious that this is a really good item that you are going to buy to add to your accessories... It closes with a magnet and has an interesting design that I have never seen before.The straps have a zipper in the middle.It will give more freedom on your shoulders if you prefer that my bags look well made but don't advertise their price or prove anything to others near the bottom is a small unobtrusive square silver metal detail with his name on it, cooba actually i went on the site and was amazed by the variety of styles on offer, ie I also realize that this company has great taste and sophistication Kooba is definitely on my radar now.
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