I like the 76CSx. Arrived quickly, exactly on the day it was supposed to arrive. I have been using a Garmin 72 and switching to the 76CSx has been a joy. I argued between Garmin 60CSx and 76CSx and finally settled on the 76 because the buttons are the same and I thought it would be easy to adapt to them. The only benefit I saw with the 60's was the smaller size. I also ordered the "City Navigator" CD, which didn't load for me. After I downloaded it, it was perfect. I bought a 1GB microcard and had even more trouble loading maps onto it, but I went to the help page, used the instructions on the storage device and loaded the 9 states (including Texas) I need for my vacation onto it device down . It was an amazing travel aid. I couldn't be happier with the device. I use it when I travel and walk (it tracks distance and speed). It even works in my home, locked in my purse and under the thickest canopy of trees. I could go on and on but suffice it to say I'm very happy with it.