I am very proud to own a Douchebag Backpack Pro and a CIA Pro camera insert. They cost a little more, but they are a perfect example that you get what you pay for. Since I had pockets for all my camera I wanted another pocket for different things like camping gear, clothes or anything else I might need for a photo shoot. Marvelous! I want everyone to have the same drinkers to use on their bags. It's just this super nice feeling to close these bags. It just feels high quality. Also, it has this self-sealing thing that happens when you close it, giving all your stuff inside extra protection. The entire outer part is waterproof. To be honest, as strange as it may sound to talk about the bag, it's made like a tank! So many bags on the market are so recycled. There is no such nonsense here. It's just a huge, wide-open interior with top pockets for a few other items you might need easy access to. It does a great job and looks good doing it. If you need a back that big for whatever you want to stuff in, I think this is the best you can get if you want lots of capacity and light weight.
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