Technology is keep on making impact in many ways, one of the area in which we can appreciate the technology is in photography. This platform sell photographic equipment of various kinds and it accessories. It was established in 1982.
Registration on the platform is very easy and convenient, i found the platform very easy to use because all the product can be search for in categories. I satisfy the way the home page was arranged.
It allows various ways to make payment on the platform, i noticed that all the means of payment is widely acceptable all over the world.
The images of the product can be zoom which make it convenient to access the product very well, I like the descriptions attached to each product. The product price tag was display in one fiat asset no other fiat asset that can be switched to, the team behind the platform can add more fiat asset to makes it convenient when calculating the cost of asset without the need to exchange or convert the platform currency manually.
The platform make good use of social medial that can be access to gain access to update on the platform. Though no live chat was made available, other contact include telephone numbers and email address.