I recently bought something from the BESITA online store in the hopes that I would get top-notch goods and unrivaled assistance, just like it said on their website. My interactions with this shop, however, have only been disappointing. First off, the goods I got were by no means better. The quality was poor and completely fell short of my standards. In line with their goal statement, the rates were also not reasonable. For the quality of the products I got, I thought the prices were quite high. Furthermore, the assistance I got was anything but unparalleled. I was given unhelpful and unprofessional responses when I contacted their customer support to voice my dissatisfaction with the products. They didn't seem genuinely interested in listening to my issues or finding a satisfactory answer for me. In general, I regret buying something from the BESITA web shop. Although their goal statement seems promising, they don't follow through on their commitments. To anyone seeking top-notch goods and unrivaled assistance, I would not suggest this store.