No idea why this helmet has good reviews. At best, this thing costs $35! My helmet came with the rear latch not installed. The shape doesn't match the helmet where it should snap and the magnets in the same part are glued in the wrong place where they don't sit flush and allow the collar shape to snap into the helmet, it just keeps popping out. My helmet also had all sorts of deep scratches and faded paint and was brand new. The red glowing eyes are terrible and even in a dark room you hardly see them glowing, and that's on the maximum brightness setting. Finally, the helmet doesn't sit properly on the head and it fits horribly. This thing breathes anything made in China, it's the worst overpriced junk I've ever bought. No quality has been added to ensure this is a quality product. Regular price of $100, no way! The retail price of $75 is, by definition, no. IMO it costs $35 max and the whole time I had it I was trying to figure out why the back collar wouldn't stay latched. Pure garbage!
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