We used this tool several years ago, as our business is primarily involved with web marketing of services across various verticals within real estate development/leasing market. And it was very good to use back then! Not many changes have been made since those days however there are new products that provide similar features or even different ones! But I strongly advice you try them out first (or maybe just do research) because they're great but some people may dislike their look/feel etc., like we did when using ML before. The only thing i can say positively about ml atm though would be its cost-effectiveness ratio which makes me want their other offerings as well so more power if ya get what im saying here ;). Good to find solutions such as keywords analysis for SEO purposes also content management options for websites in relation especially from mobile devices is much better than any paid version i've tried prior to finding meta locations. Searching key word terms related tot he service offered I like the ability to create custom searches and the ability to search by company name. I would like to be able to search by city, state, and zip code. It is a great tool for finding websites for companies that you are unfamiliar with. I am able to search by company name and it will pull up all of the websites that are available for that company. This is a great tool! I am able to find websites for companies that I am unfamiliar with.