Overall this is a stable bike that aims to help kids find a way to push themselves forward with their feet while seated, that's all. We bought it for our 18 month old daughter and she gets bored a few minutes after sitting on it. The way I see it, the distance between the front and rear wheels is too small, so she keeps trying to put her feet on the front wheels or accidentally tiptoes. It's really better to buy something with 1 front wheel or something with the front wheels closer together. In order to walk fast, the child always has to spread his legs wide, which is very annoying because he cannot rest like this and therefore walks slowly or always stops to rest. Our child has the best experience riding backwards. Maybe it's just a matter of time before she adjusts. Also about that storage lid, she couldn't open it herself with her little fingers, even though she did everything right to open it, I had to bend the clasp a bit so now it doesn't offer any resistance at all. At the moment I would say that this model is overpriced because it is not designed well enough. It costs about $30 at most, kids will quickly outgrow it even if they find the right way to ride it.
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