I spent a lot of time reviewing bags and reading reviews before deciding on this bag. The upside for me was that it's waterproof and frankly for its "manly" camouflage look lol. It has a vent at the top so if it says waterproof I wouldn't dive with it. I live in Florida and I needed to be able to ride the water slides at the amusement parks there. It's well constructed. Good solid zippers and an easy to access makeshift USB port (seen in a picture to the side. It has a handy strap pouch which I use for carrying vape batteries but it can hold a bit more. It would probably be great) to keep my keys. There aren't many pockets, which is great for me because I lose my stuff if I have too many pockets. It has a nice pocket inside or on the back of the pocket (whatever you want to call it) that I keep my wallet in. The front pocket fits my Galaxy S9 and a few other things. My Fire 10 tablet fits in the main pocket. I don't put anything else in it. I mainly use it for my hat and bits and pieces. There is a small zipped pocket for a power bank cable and another for earphones. Both have a connector that plugs into a makeshift port for use on the outside of the bag. The strap is the smallest and the bag sits on my lower back and I'm 6ft tall. Fully unfolded it looks like a handbag which if reused by a woman would actually be very cool. I really like this bag. I hope you find this review helpful.
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