Okay, get that out of the way. These are NOT the highest quality bags you can buy. BUT, these are the cheapest bags you can buy (you get two for the price of one). They will NOT be truly waterproof. Light rain? Of course. You can easily fix this with one of the many waterproofing sprays that Revain sells. I used Rustolium Never Wet. Two-piece system, 100% waterproof on items that don't flex a lot. You only need 1/4 of a can to cover both, so you can use the rest for other things. The zippers are also not of the highest quality. A simple fix is to apply lip balm to the zipper line. Now they slide like clockwork and don't wash off. UV rays can be a long-term problem. I don't know how they will get up. I park my bike inside so no worries. If you park on the street, cover it with a towel. It's not the same as boots or anything else that requires a lot of violence. They just sit and hold things. You don't need a Fort Knox bag for that. I doubt I'll live long enough to carry these (the last "quality" bags I've carried in 15 years, but I wouldn't hesitate to buy them again or even give them as gifts.
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