I got them because of cramps in my hands when an adult played with a joystick and because my little nieces and nephews couldn't remember how to hold the joystick horizontally, what they think of it prevented controlling the game . I hope these grips help them hold the controller properly and help them improve their video game skills and confidence when I babysit them! They are very comfortable. Smooth matte plastic finish, joycons fit well but light. I would trust my nieces and nephews to use them themselves while I do not trust them to fit the standard black straps themselves. The color matching is excellent. I have blue and red as well as yellow and green. They're a little smaller than a PS4 controller or Nintendo Switch Pro controller, but not by much. They will be significantly smaller than the Xbox 1 controller. If you have very large hands and the PS4 controller seems small to you, it will still be small to you. If you find the PS4 controller quite comfortable, chances are you'll be happy with it. They made the shoulder buttons really big, which really improved the ergonomics. My picture shows all 4 grips I purchased (with matching joystick color), plus a PS4 controller and a Nintendo Switch Pro controller for size comparison.