I hesitated to buy this bag because there are no reviews. Sorry I didn't take a picture, on a whim I decided to snap a few shots while opening the box. Well packed. Came in a box, in a transparent bag, in a dust bag, wrapped in thin polyethylene. I was ready to be disappointed but pleasantly surprised at the quality. I was hesitating between this no name bag and the Saks bag which is a few bucks cheaper than this one. This bag is more in line with the style I wanted. This is a small bag, but it has room for essentials and a few more things. The accessories are very good, the bag is beautiful. I have two personal downsides with this bag. 1. I would like to have protective fittings on the bottom. 2 has nothing to do with the bag, but with the brand. I've looked at other bags from this brand but I don't like that the brand name is displayed on the front of these bags, especially in a prominent place. I will probably buy 1 more bag in the future that I have my eye on, but unfortunately I have to give up other bags that I would otherwise like to have. I will update if necessary as I didn't take it from home.
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