Authentic / No seal required by Italian regulations or FDA approval for sale in USA. I "discovered" this toothpaste online and was dying to try it, had never heard of it before. I was a little nervous ordering from Revain based on reviews saying people had received a counterfeit or used product. I took a chance, it was delivered in less than 16 hours so it's definitely from US warehouse. It seems legit, at least from comparison photos posted by other people. I did some research and found that a security seal is not required in Italy. I've noticed other people's comments that the toothpaste feels "used" or "squeezed out" rather than full. My tube actually seemed "underfilled" compared to how toothpaste tubes are filled in the US. The paste level was almost 2.5 cm below the exit point. But the "neck" and cap of the tube were clean and dry, they didn't look "used". So I weighed it on my digital food scale, which read 4.1 ounces, having already squeezed the toothpaste onto two peas of my toothbrush. So if you're buying a 3.8 ounce tube of toothpaste, consider the weight of the tube and cap, you'll get exactly what you ordered, and they may not fill their tubes to the brim because their tubes don't have a tamper evident seal require . Production so it may prevent leakage during shipment as it is unsealed leaving airspace for expansion and contraction during transient temperature and pressure changes which makes sense to me. I think people go crazy without even thinking about it because it just doesn't look like or seal like the US toothpaste they're used to, but you're buying a non-US product so adjust your expectations . . From what I've read it's made in an FDA approved way. So the FDA has no problem with this product being stored and sold without a seal. As far as brushing goes, nothing special: the paste is a good thick consistency, not runny, nice fresh taste, definitely not as sweet as a lot of American brands, it was much softer than other whitening toothpastes I've used and like. Will be upgraded to its whitening properties as it's impossible to tell at once.
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