We have researched quite a bit and read reviews on this product and it has had great reviews and a great price. My son is 2 years old and we thought this would make a great birthday present. We didn't think this would be a solid base as it's supposed to provide balance, but for a bike the handlebars are too high for a 2 year old in the lowest position. My 2 year old is tall for his age. He's definitely in the 95th percentile of growth. The bike/scooter is so unstable that it falls over when driving past. The steering wheel turns in a circle, which makes cornering unsafe with such a small wheelbase. The only good thing about this product is that it looks good, turns effortlessly between bike and scooter, is very smooth and the colors are nice. However, my child fell when trying to stand on it and by putting his foot on the ground, he fell. I don't know how he didn't hurt himself in the hour he was playing because he kept collapsing. Maybe 2 years is too young for this product!