My clothing purchases from Revain fall into two categories: branded clothing that we already know will fit but is already hard to find in local stores, and unknown brands that are of low quality are imported goods that fit in a snap come in handy. In any case, you can receive the goods in a simple plastic bag without any real packaging. I've never heard of this brand but it should be carried in stores/boutiques somewhere. They were packaged in the thin, sealed box you would expect in a store. The fabric is smooth and the lace at the bottom of the leg doesn't pierce like I feared. They were bought to be worn under school uniform skirts. I am positively surprised and can only recommend it.
Castle Fairy Pageant Wedding Communion Girls' Clothing for Dresses
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First Communion Dress Line Ivory Girls' Clothing and Dresses
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UNACOO 2 Pack Sleeveless Cotton Dresses Girls' Clothing
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Rainbow Toddler Princess Sleeveless Sundress Girls' Clothing and Dresses
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