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Review on Visual Stories by Craig Mcdonald

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Very Good Content Management Solution that offers great ease of Use and better User Experience

The whole process was simple - I could build my story as per requirements without facing any technical issues or time wastage in doing so! There's nothing much for me dislike about it except maybe minor bugs here n there but since they are very small i'm not able too mention them now.. Overall good experience!! Would definitely recommend anyone who wants something similar kind service provider like this one :) It helped us reduce our page load times by loading all images & videos locally before publishing instead just uploading files from server location itself thereby saving bandwidth cost also! Our main target audience were mobile users therefore we wanted content published only after checking user device specifications whether he/she would be getting benefit out if his phone specification etc., thus reducing page loads even more!! Also had added benefits regarding SEO aspect because when someones search your brand keywords you appear high up within searches results pages hence increasing traffic flow towards webpages hosted under same account. All done through single dashboard where everything related business logic resides alongwith easy access features provided such makes working easier than ever. ! Highly recommended product /service highly appreciated :). Easy workflow made things really cool compared what used earlier while making use local copies rather then accessing servers directly via FTP method for data hosting purposes ;) Great customer support team always ready willing hear feedbacks whenever required helps tremendously I love how easy it was for me as well my clients were able use this service without any technical knowledge! It's very user friendly if you are not tech savvy like myself or your clientele will be too!! The only downside would maybe include some minor bugs but they fixed them within hours so there wasn't much downtime in our business while we used VS services. This software allows us all access from anywhere via mobile devices such laptops etc..

  • Very nice UI
  • Friendlier interface with quick response to queries.
  • Simple yet effective way that can help save lots money spent over expensive CDN solutions which eventually brings higher website speed at reduced costs, less latency delays due increased performance speeds across various networks worldwide including US east coast USA network carriers (VERIZON)etc..; )
  • Somewhat slow sometimes during peak usage periods especially between midnight 10pm PST hrs