I really like how easy it was when creating my first run order as well managing all aspects from beginning until final shipment has been completed by using this software! There's nothing at least not anything i dislike about locus dispatcher but maybe there are things you can work around (like if we needed more features within our account). We have now used several different products since starting up so far Locuses Dispacher continues being one of best solutions out their price range. Creating runs orders/tracking shipments very simple compared other competitors suchas Kargo etc.. I like how it can be used by both the driver and dispatcher. The software has been very helpful in the past year we have used it. It's not perfect but it does help us out quite a bit. There are times when you don't want to use it because it takes too long to load or sometimes doesn't load at all. We have used this before so I know what to expect. I would recommend using this if you need to track your drivers and keep them on schedule. It helps keep everyone informed as well.