This is one of my favorite belts. It really has a soft, stretchy feel. It also has a rustic quality; The edges of the belt are not bevelled, but very soft, like suede. I have the black version - it's not true black but more of a very dark brown which I like. (Actually, I chose it because the first few days it looked brownish black - I would even call it walnut - and not black or true brown.) (I let it air out for a few days before wearing it for the first time got.) The odor in its non-porous protective coating was just acrid and completely gone. The trimmings on the belt are slightly worn at the bottom. buckle edge. Just touching up with shoe polish seems to be enough. But now it just blends into the frayed trim at the belt. (And it's so localized to this place that I don't think it's going to get any worse. I think it's one of those things - if I'm noticing it, it's only because I love the belt so much...) Me am most worried about the belt that I will grow in circles and it will no longer fit me. Sometimes I'm tempted to go up in size, so I'll always have this belt. If you like the way the belt looks in the product image then go for it. It looks so good in real life and it's a high quality leather belt.