I bought these as a birthday present so it took me a while to open them up and get a good look. One of them was broken in two places on the jaw/mouth. The other two were ok. All three have terrible paint. The colors are faded and look very patchy. I was able to repaint them and they look a little better now, but all have traces of the original paint on the white parts. The LEDs create a high-frequency buzz that comes out of the battery compartment, and it's incredibly loud and annoying, so much so that it's even painful to hear. After putting the batteries in, one of them won't turn off no matter how many times I press the button. It stays on, after three presses (after the setting cycle) the light goes out and still buzzes. At least in the photo in the dark, the light looks cool. But if you're thinking of buying them as decorations, don't. If you want to buy them as costume masks, don't worry. Unless you buy them for a baby face, they really don't fit. I am disappointed in this product to say the least.