Many reviews on Amazon are not entirely accurate and are written by people who bought the wrong product. It's not the products. I can't comment on the seller's return policy, but I don't want to sell an item that people routinely buy by mistake. I'm no expert, but here's what I see in reviews and why they're wrong. The description clearly states that it is intended for use with the ECI-100, a Raymarine engine interface module. Without the ECI-100, this unit will not transmit your engine data to the GPS plotter.
Portable WiFi Fish Finder with GPS for Kayaks, Boats, and Ice Fishing - Deeper PRO+ Smart Sonar for Deeper Insights
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Lucky Portable Sonar Fish Finder: Waterproof Handheld Wireless Fishing Finder for Boats, Kayaks, Ice Fishing, and Sea Depths
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Deeper PRO Smart Sonar - Portable WiFi Fish Finder for Kayaks, Boats, and Ice Fishing on Shore
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Garmin GPSMAP Navigator Chartplotter 010 00864 01
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🎧 FARO Aviation Headset Converter: Low to High Impedance Adapter for General Aviation (GA) and Military Headsets
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🛩️ Stratux ADS-B Dual Band Receiver: Advanced Aviation Weather and Traffic System with WAAS GPS, AHRS, Battery Pack, Suction Mount, Antennas, SDR
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✈️ Enhancing Aviation Safety: ASA-OVC View Limiting Device for Clearer Vision in Overcast Conditions
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🎧 Alpha Pilot Headset Flight Bag (Black) – Streamlined Flyer Solution
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