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Wiktor Gajewski ᠌ photo
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334 Review
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Review on Radiator sectional Global STYLE PLUS 500, number of sections: 6, 6.84 m2, 684 W, 480 mm. by Wiktor Gajewski ᠌

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The quality is at the highest level, be sure to try it.

Bought a few years ago and don't regret it. We bought it for a new apartment - these are our first heating radiators, since before that, as far as I can remember, we always had stove heating. To be honest, I also like the look of them very much. Bimetallic "simple-looking radiators that are hot as hell! ". Satisfied with the purchase, no problems were found during the operation.

Updated 2 years ago
Rating has not been changed

By adding some photos to my review, I hope to provide a more informative experience for you.


  • high heat dissipation, quickly respond to temperature adjustment, appearance, warranty.
  • No