What I liked most about this bag is how easy it is to open. I love the look of this bag. traditional front straps, but having to "unbuckle" them multiple times a day can be a deal breaker. There's a picture of them, but it may not be entirely clear how they work. However, if you don't have this bag, you'll never know that these aren't real, traditional buckles, so get the look effortlessly . What impressed me were the materials used. Leather mostly doesn't really mean leather these days (and Italian doesn't add any good promises either. Too bad there's no way to personally feel this bag before you buy it from Revain. I bet they would sell a lot of these if they couldn't.I'm not sure why it isn't more expensive because to my knowledge you can't get a bag like this for less than $250 anywhere else.Just note that this isn't the "polished type of leather commonly found on cheaper messenger bags. Markings will appear on it over time, giving authenticity to the skin. The zippers and other fasteners also seem to last a long time. As for the size, I was surprised at how compact it is At the thickest point you see 6 centimeters (unless you put thick objects in it, which increases the size of the bag to 11-12 centimeters he doubled). There is an accordion on the sides, which keeps the bag compact when extra space is not needed. Inside is a nice organizer and good padding for a laptop. I was able to get a 15.6" laptop to fit comfortably in the main bag, but not in the small bag actually designed for your laptop (see the manufacturer's picture that says "fits 14- inch laptop" to see which one I mean). If you have a 16-inch laptop, it should have ultra-thin bezels (and I would generally recommend getting a larger case because it still gets tight - tighter than I'd like). Hope these ideas help. happy with this messenger bag.
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