UPDATE: I'm sorry to report that the headset has stopped working. It just stopped playing sound out of nowhere. I actually tried to persevere, but it was a great excuse to just return it in exchange for a better headset. I could have emailed the company but after seeing the so-so mic I decided it wasn't worth it. Luckily I still had a few days to start my comeback. TL:DR: This is a great PC headset with great sound quality, but the mic gets in the way. I will return mine. PROS: 1) The sound quality is really great. I didn't expect the bass to be so deep and rich. 2) The headset is really comfortable and completely covers both of my ears. I've noticed that when my friend is wearing them and listening at a moderate volume, I don't hear any sound from them at all. Completely silent. It's really great for privacy. 3) Convenient for PC, mostly because you can just plug the transmitter into a USB port and forget about it. I really liked it since the bluetooth is buggy on my pc. CONS: 1) Turns off after 5 minutes of inactivity, which means that even with the headset on, you have to turn it back on every 5 minutes if you're just using the computer without playing anything. This can be annoying if you accidentally surf the site. 2) The mic is pretty terrible for this $68 headset. My $20 wired headset mic sounds MUCH better than this thing. It sounds especially awful on Discord. It amazes me they sell this to be honest. This is very bad. I really wanted a reason to keep it.