Item exactly as described. These are NOT complaints, just warnings: there are no instructions, so I spent over an hour trying to figure out what was what. To make matters worse, my LS430 has 5 different antennas (as far as I remember) and it took me a few days to figure out which ones to connect to. So the radio antenna (and one end of the adapter) is connected. to the radio unit at the bottom right of the trunk. It's actually in a small room to the right of the spare tire compartment. You will see two boxes of electronics and the radio unit is the front one. I had to take it out to figure out how it's connected. I also have a Metra FM converter that I connected to this adapter. The FM adapter, not this adapter, makes noise when I listen to the radio. When my phone is connected to the FM adapter, the music is crystal clear. The only real problem is that I can't find a "hot" wire in the trunk to power the FM converter. I found other posters that mentioned finding a "hot wire" in the trunk but didn't say where. Even with my car radio and mobile phone radio, the music volume is not very loud, but at least I can now listen to music from my mobile phone!