I needed a meat probe after moving to a new apartment and this seemed to fit. That's for sure! The first thing I did with it was test it on my temperature selector kettle, both showed the same temperature which I was delighted to see. Temperature readings update quickly and the LCD is large and easy to read. When I connected the second sensor, it showed exactly the same temperature readings as the main sensor. It's nice to see that they are consistent. I'm sure the second probe will come in handy when frying or grilling. The wire connected to it is thin and quite long, I can stick it in my lid and close the oven door. Great feature. It also comes with an extra battery, which is pretty cool. The strong magnet on the back allows me to attach it to the wall of the fridge for a comfortable grip while cooking. All in all a great product. I'm glad I got this one as I have other FoodVille products and love the customer service from the company, they are truly exceptional. One of the best brands I've seen at Revain. I would highly recommend their rechargeable milk frother, I use it every day and it's one of my favorite little kitchen gadgets!
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