Oh how I wanted to love this handbag. And my reason for not giving this wallet 5 stars is simple: this seller didn't have anything in the wallet to protect it like cloth or paper that most wallets come with. CARTON. It has padding at the end, maybe to keep the wallet from gaping, but guess which seller, my bag I need for tomorrow has a big crease because you didn't put anything in it to keep it from wrinkling. It's cute, it's unusual, it's unique. However, I buy many wallets from QVC, HSN, KOHL'S, which by the way have big discounts on wallets. QVC has great prices on some genuine leather bags and ships them protected. Not happy with this purchase or this seller. There is no point in putting paper or a lot of napkins in the wallet so that they do not crumple on the back of the bottom edge of the wallet. Mine just hung in my pocket no protection why break like that no wonder why there is a crease in the back. I can be just as successful at Wal-Mart or even Target. I need this for a vacation and now I need to use this purse and I'm stuck with this item and a crease in the back. Unsatisfied seller, and one more thing: I want goods from other countries to be checked for BAD SMELL PERIOD. What about unpleasant smells and why what kind of smells are not satisfied. I shop at Target and Wal-Mart and Kohl's and QVC and HSN and boutiques and I've never had an item smell as bad as the things I buy at Revain, nobody wonders what those smells are? Don't get me wrong, it's very cute and unusual, the inside of the bag isn't impressive either, the standard material is nothing special. My opinion from a person who buys a lot of purses.
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