Updates: Less than a month after I purchased this item and gave it a 5 star rating, the seller has increased the price to almost double the original price. As this is a difficult time for many people, especially families with young children who are ineligible for vaccination due to their young age, masks are a must. It just doesn't feel right to raise the price so quickly and so high. So I'm deducting a star from my original rating. As my two kids are ready to go back to school (6 year old and 4 year old) I want to get them masks that fit and feel comfortable rather than mixing inside and out. These masks work perfectly, cute, comfortable and fit perfectly. They come with a nose strip and adjustable ear loops, and you can write your name on the plaque in the corner. Great buy if you have young children and want to protect them! Most importantly, kids love them!
🌟 Illuminate Your Space with the Noble Collection NN1910 14 Inch: A Mesmerizing Addition
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🧙 Professor Dumbledore's Elder Wand
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