My son (4 years old) loves this scooter; He's a fan of how stable he is and doesn't find it too difficult to turn around. He loves the lights on the pole and how easy he can turn them on and off. As a parent, there are a few details that stand in the way of that perfection. switch under the circuit board. where is the battery compartment The battery compartment doesn't appear to be waterproof and I'm concerned about getting through puddles with it. The backlight is also rather weak - it would probably look very cool in the dark, but would hardly be noticeable during the day. We try not to include them.* Rotate. To "spin," lean in the direction you want to spin instead of rotating the bar. This allows for a very limited turning radius, making it difficult to maneuver around things. I don't mind (it would be hard to do well), but I don't like false advertising. One thing I'm not sure about is the value proposition of this scooter - I know there are cheaper ones out there but without having tested them I don't have a comparison. The last two points: * This uses a lot of batteries; 3 in each subject. So far it seems to last a while so hopefully it's not a waste of money if we keep changing batteries.* The scooter is foldable. We don't use that much as we can walk a lot, but it's useful if you want to go somewhere with a scooter in the trunk.
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